nccsdata Part 4: Summary Tables


In the final segment of our four-part series on the nccsdata package, we construct tables summarizing NCCS Legacy Data.

Create Summary Tables

After preparing data using get_data() and subsequent processing through additional filtering or wrangling, you can use preview_sample() to compute summary statistics for legacy datasets.

The following example illustrates this process:

core <- get_data(dsname = "core",
                 time = "2015")
#> Valid inputs detected. Retrieving data.
#> Downloading core data
#> Requested files have a total size of 115 MB. Proceed
#>                       with download? Enter Y/N (Yes/no/cancel)
#> Core data downloaded
preview_sample(data = core,
              group_by = c("NTEECC", "STATE"),
              var = c("TOTREV"),
              stats = c("count", "mean", "max"))
#> Valid summary fields entered.
#> # A tibble: 13,091 × 5
#> # Groups:   NTEECC [937]
#>    NTEECC STATE count    mean       max
#>    <chr>  <chr> <int> <int64>   <int64>
#>  1 ""     ""      406 1769225 375740413
#>  2 "A01"  "AZ"      2   41647     73295
#>  3 "A01"  "CA"     13 1052177   9241479
#>  4 "A01"  "CO"      2  268455    319830
#>  5 "A01"  "CT"      2  228350    415503
#>  6 "A01"  "DC"      5  446664   1117827
#>  7 "A01"  "DE"      1  268308    268308
#>  8 "A01"  "FL"      2 1181261   1713932
#>  9 "A01"  "GA"      3   64731    109254
#> 10 "A01"  "HI"      3   15371     29528
#> # ℹ 13,081 more rows

preview_sample() groups the dataset based on the columns specified in group_by, and computes summary statistics for the user-defined var column. The available summary statistics are:

  • min: minimum value
  • median: median value
  • max: maximum value
  • mean: mean value
  • count: count of rows belonging to group

As long as the columns in group_by are present in the data set, preview_sample() will be able to generate a summary table for the user.


We hope this series has been helpful for working with the nccsdata package. package. Contact the package maintainers with any comments or suggestions and any additional features you would find useful.

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