
We continue to expand offerings and invest in data quality.


NCCS Core Series

A comprehensive panel of nonprofit organizations that file IRS form 990

Census Crosswalks

A framework for seamlessly adding census data to your nonprofit panel.

census spatial crosswalks

NCCS Core Series

A comprehensive panel of nonprofit organizations that file IRS form 990

990 financial-trends nonprofits 990

IRS 990 Efilers

A comprehensive panel of nonprofit organizations that file IRS form 990.

990 financial-trends nonprofits 990

Form 990-N ePostcard Filers

A database of small nonprofits that do not file full 990 forms.

990N grassroots orgs

Pub78 - Nonprofits Eligible to Receive Tax Deductible Donations

The catalog of all nonprofits currently eligiable to receive tax-deductible donations.

charities 501c3 sampling framework

Revocations Database

Database of all nonprofit entities that have had their tax exempt status revoked


SOI Exempt Organizations Microdata

The statistics of nonprofit charitable and other tax-exempt organizations produced by the Statistics of Income (SOI) Division.

990 SOI sampling 990

527 Political Action Committees

Electronic filings made by 527 organizations.

elections campaign finance 501c4

Business Master File (BMF)

All active organizations that have been granted nonprofit status by the IRS.

BMF sample-framework metadata

Address Metadata Table

Metadata Table of Geocoded Nonprofit EINs

sample-framework metadata spatial
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